Hi, My name is Lisa and I am a sugar addict

I was thinking about this today as I went through my day with no mood swings, no cravings, no insatiable need to run out an buy cupcakes. This statement might sound over-dramatic but since I’ve pretty much gone cold turkey on refined sugar, I cannot believe the change. In some ways it is very similar to quitting smoking, although I can’t live without at least some natural sugar and it is very possible to live without smoking. But the cravings and binges on sugar were not unlike what a smoker goes through with smoking cigarettes. It turned into a vicious cycle of eat something sweet, get a sugar high, crash and repeat. Sugar is definitely my drug of choice. So easily obtainable, easily consumed at work, in the car or pretty much everywhere. Society markets sugar products like nothing else and there is little social stigma to being a user since we consume sugar to some degree. 

It feels liberating to look at sugar the way I have been lately. However, I do worry about when I have been following this diet for awhile what might happen. But for now, I’m happy avoiding sugar. I might be jealous of those people who have control over their ability to eat sweets, but I will never look down on them. I pledge to never become self-righteous about the way I eat. Everyone needs to do what works for them. This happens to be working for me so I am happy!